Staking LP

Earn rewards with LP tokens

SHADE-FTM LP tokens can be acquired by providing liquidity on SpookySwap.

Earn SHADE with your LP tokens

To earn SHADE with your SHADE-FTM LP tokens, visit the mining page of the website. Approve the pool for your LP tokens and click "Deposit" to transfer them into the mining contract. You will begin earning SHADE immediately.

LP tokens can be withdrawn at any time however they will no longer earn SHADE; they must be staked to earn SHADE.

Vested Rewards

All mining rewards are automatically vested for 90 days once claimed but earn protocol fees whilst vested. Users can exit vesting early but must pay a 50% penalty fee.

Protocol fees earned during vesting are available immediately and the staked LP tokens can be withdrawn at anytime without penalties.

Last updated

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